Sell & Stay

Sell, Rent, and Remain in the Home You Love

Convert your home equity into cash to pay debts, navigate a life event, and more while keeping the option to repurchase.

Sell & Stay

Stay in Your Home, Convert Your Equity

Sell & Stay by EasyKnock gets you the cash benefits of a home sale without moving. Our sale-leaseback solution has no strict lender restrictions, just financial freedom.

Get Started

Make Your Home Equity Work For You

Sell & Stay by EasyKnock converts your equity into cash while allowing you the flexibility to remain in your home as a tenant and the option to repurchase.

Cash in Hand

Cash in Hand

Use the cash to achieve financial goals, such as paying off debts, or covering other life expenses.

Control Your Timeline

Control Your Timeline

We offer a Sell & Stay Option, which grants you the right to repurchase the home at any time during the lease term or direct EasyKnock to list the home for sale on the open market.

No Strict Eligibility Requirement

No Strict Eligibility Requirement

Say goodbye to the constraints of credit scores and debt-to-income ratios – our programs offer flexibility for homeowners looking to convert their equity without the usual hoops to jump through.

Relief From Homeowner Costs

Relief From Homeowner Costs

Escape the financial strain of homeownership while still enjoying its perks. Keep the roof over your head minus the mortgage payments, HOA fees, insurance, taxes, and maintenance.

No Additional Debt

No Additional Debt

EasyKnock is not a lender and does not offer loans – our programs do not impact your credit report by adding debt.

100% Fair Market Value

100% Fair Market Value

Unlike typical tenants who gain no value from home appreciation, if you direct us to sell the home on the open market, you retain all appreciation rights.1

2.The Letter of Intent is to inform EasyKnock of the intent to proceed with the application and its terms and fees.
3. Timing varies based on external factors.
4. Plus Option Contract. Receival of cash amount timing varies based on external factors.
5. Terms & conditions apply.

Why choose Sell & Stay?

Keep the Option to Repurchase

Remain as a renter for up to five years total. At any point, you can choose to repurchase the home for the agreed-upon Buyout Cost

Avoid Lender Restrictions

We are not a lender. That means you won’t face credit score or debt-to-income (DTI) requirements.

Retain Appreciation

You maintain the rights to any home value appreciation over the agreed-upon Buyout Cost, minus agent commission if you direct us to sell at a later date.1

How It Works

A Transparent Process

We guide you through the process to ensure you understand and eliminate surprises. You’ll know exactly what you’ll be getting, before signing off.


Apply to Qualify

Submit a few details and complete a 15-minute call with an EasyKnock expert to get your free, no-obligation estimate. They will help you:

  • Determine how EasyKnock meets your needs
  • Understand the estimate of your home’s value, potential cash funding + market rate rent

Sign, Close, and Get Your Cash

Sign a non-binding Letter of Intent2 and finalize the typical five week3 closing process to sell your home to EasyKnock.

  • Complete a home appraisal & inspection, at no cost
  • Sign a lease and continue living in your home as a renter
  • Receive your agreed-upon cash amount from EasyKnock4

Option to Repurchase or Sell

Stay in the home as a renter for up to five years while deciding on your next steps.

  • Repurchase the home at a future date for the agreed-upon amount, OR
  • Direct EasyKnock to sell it on the open market and keep any home value appreciation5
Get Started

2 - The Letter of Intent is to inform EasyKnock of the intent to proceed with the application and its terms and fees.
3 - Timing varies based on external factors.
4 - Plus Option Contract. Receival of cash amount timing varies based on external factors.
5 - Terms & conditions apply.

Sell & Stay Calculator

How much home equity can I convert?

Select the state where your property is located. EasyKnock is not available in CA, DE, MA, MD, ND, NY, SD, VT, WA, and select markets.
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What is your estimated home value?
For illustrative purposes, select an average value of your property. For your final offer, an independent third-party appraiser will determine your home’s value.
What is your mortgage balance?
For illustrative purposes, select an average of the outstanding balance on your mortgage. You can also include liens or other loans on the property for a closer representation.

Your potential cash:


You can convert up to 75% of your home equity as potential cash and the remaining 25% as the Sell & Stay Option. Standard fees apply.*

EasyKnock is not available in CA, DE, MA, MD, ND, NY, SD, VT, WA, and select markets.
Ready to get a real estimate?
Get Started

*This calculator is designed for personal use and illustrative purposes based on the information submitted. Your potential cash is the maximum cash amount you can receive minus additional fees, such as closing costs, etc. This is not your final cash amount – results may not be applicable to your unique situation and are not guaranteed. When inputting your mortgage balance, include the balance of any liens on the property. For more information on our pricing and fees, please see our FAQ.

Sell & Stay Features

Convert 100%

of the home’s fair market value into cash + Sell & Stay Option

Receive Up to 75%

of the home’s fair market value in cash

Flexible 12 Month Lease Terms

with annual renewal for five years total and the ability to exercise your Sell & Stay Option at any time

Exploring the Remaining 25%

The Sell & Stay Option

The remaining 25% of your home's value represents the Sell & Stay Option. This grants you the flexibility of choosing to either:


Repurchase the Home: No minimum term or penalty. At any point of the lease term, you have the option to repurchase the home for the Buyout Cost plus the buyer’s closing cost.


Sell on the Open Market: You can direct EasyKnock to sell the home on the open market. In this scenario:

  • You retain any applicable home value appreciation.
  • You receive the full market value of the home minus the Buyout Cost and your agent commission.
Get Started
Sell & Stay customer

Erin’s Story

“After selling the house to EasyKnock, it's just made things easier financially on us. It's lifted a burden off our shoulders to be able to move forward and plan our budget for the future as opposed to worrying about previous debt.”

Erin, EasyKnock Customer
Dayton, Ohio

What do you stand to gain with Sell & Stay?


Average Annual Home Expenses Covered6

Alleviate stress by eliminating many homeowner responsibilities, including property taxes, repairs, and HOA fees. Once the home sale is finalized, the only recurring fee will be your monthly rent payment and utilities.


of Sell & Stay Homes Appreciate7

If you choose to sell, the appreciation is yours. On average, customers enjoy a 10% increase in home value.8

~5 weeks

Save Time & Money with a Quick Closing Process

While traditional sales can drag on for months, costing thousands of dollars, an EasyKnock transaction typically takes just 5 weeks from start to close or finish.9

Get Started

6 - As the property owner, EasyKnock pays the property taxes, property insurance and HOA dues on the property. Calculations are the average annual expenses rounded to the nearest tenth for a home in our portfolio acquired in 2022.
7 - Appreciation Percentage (%) of Sell & Stay customers for homes sold in the open market between Jan 2022-Dec 2023.
8 - Average appreciation for Sell & Stay customers for homes sold in the open market between Jan 2022-Dec 2023.
9 - 4-6 weeks average - Timing varies based on external factors.

How Do We Compare?

EasyKnock Is Not a Lender

No strict credit score or debt-to-income requirements
Option to sell at any time and capture appreciation
Not a loan–avoid interest rates, additional debt
Future home maintenance expenses covered
One monthly payment - no taxes or HOA
Retain the benefits of homeownership
Buyout Cost

Your Sell & Stay Options

When you decide to buy back your home or instruct us to sell it, you'll pay EasyKnock the Buyout Cost.

Option A

If you repurchase your home

Buyout Cost = Option Exercise Price (+) the Option Fees you pay based on the years of your lease

You will be responsible for the buyer’s closing costs

Option B

If you sell on the open market

Final price (-) Buyout Cost (-) Agent Commission

Standard closing costs will be covered by EasyKnock and new buyer10

You'll receive any home value appreciation, if applicable

Associated Costs

Sell & Stay consists of two real estate transactions, so it's important that you understand which party is responsible for each expense.


Processing Fee

As a Sell & Stay customer, you pay a 2.99% processing fee based on the home value which will be taken out of the cash funding.

Closing Costs

You will be responsible for both the buyers' and sellers' closing costs. These are ~1.5% of the home's value and vary state to state.

During Your Tenancy

Annual Option Fee

The Annual Option Fee is a part of your Buyout Price. Half of your first year Annual Option Fee is taken out of your cash funding upon the initial sale.

Second Sale

If repurchasing, you will be responsible for the buyer's closing costs. If selling the home on the open market, closing costs will be covered, but you will be responsible for any agent commission.

10 -  Terms and conditions of closing costs are unique to each transaction and can vary by state.

Ready to get started?

Find out how much equity you can convert into cash.
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  • Sell and Stay® and MoveAbility® are registered trademarks of EasyKnock™, Inc.
  • EasyKnock program parameters and requirements are subject to change without notice based on market conditions. These materials are promotional in nature and are not offered as advice and should not be relied on as such. EasyKnock, Inc. as well as its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “EasyKnock”) are not lenders and do not provide loans. The transactions described in these promotional materials are sale-leasebacks and involve the sale of the property to EasyKnock and subsequent lease of the property from EasyKnock. Some transactions include an Option Agreement. The ability to repurchase a property via the Option Agreement depends on the specific product and product offerings vary by state. Terms and conditions apply. EasyKnock sale-leaseback products are not available in CA, DE, MA, MD, ND, NY, SD, VT, WA, and select markets.

Convert 100%

of the home’s fair market value into cash + Sell & Stay Option

Receive Up to 75%

of the home’s fair market value in cash

12 Month Lease Term

with annual renewal for five years total with the ability to exercise your Sell & Stay Option at any time

The Sell & Stay Option

At any point during the lease, the Sell & Stay Option allows you to repurchase the home or direct us to sell on the open market. You may repurchase the home for the Buyout Cost and buyer’s closing costs.

If you direct EasyKnock to sell the home on the open market, you keep any applicable home value appreciation and receive the full market value of the home minus our Buyout Cost and your agent commission.1

Get Qualified

How We're Different









Up to 80%

of the home value in the form of a loan, paid back with interest

Up to 75%

of the home’s fair market value as cash


None. However, taxes and insurance may be escrowed.

Property Taxes
HOA Fees
Homeowners Insurance
Repairs & Maintenance**



How Sell & Stay Works


Get Qualified

Tell us about yourself and we’ll match you with a program, and provide you with an estimate of your home’s value and potential cash funding. When you’re ready to proceed, you’ll sign a non-binding Letter of Intent (LOI).6


Sign, Close, and Get Your Cash

There’s a traditional five week real estate home closing process.7 Once your home is sold to EasyKnock, you get the agreed-upon cash and your lease begins.


Stay in Your Home

You stay in the home as a renter while deciding on your next steps. You can choose to repurchase the home or direct EasyKnock to sell it on the open market.

Your Sell & Stay Buyout Cost

Once you’re ready to either repurchase the home or direct us to sell it on the open market, you will pay EasyKnock the Buyout Cost. Your Buyout Cost equals the Option Exercise Price, each year’s Option Fee (based on the length of tenancy), and any outstanding amounts.

Your Options

  • Option A: If you choose to repurchase your home, the Buyout Cost will be the Option Exercise Price + the Option Fees you pay based on the years of your lease. You will be responsible for the buyer’s closing costs.
  • Option B: If you choose to sell on the open market, you will receive the final sale price minus the Buyout Cost and your agent commission. EasyKnock and the new buyer will cover the closing costs. You will also receive home value appreciation, if applicable.1
  1. Terms and conditions apply.
  2. As the property owner, EasyKnock pays the property taxes, property insurance and HOA dues on the property. Calculations are the average annual expenses rounded to the nearest tenth for a home in our portfolio acquired in 2022.
  3. Appreciation Percentage (%) of Sell & Stay customers for homes sold in the open market between Jan 2022-Dec 2023.
  4. Average appreciation for Sell & Stay customers for homes sold in the open market between Jan 2022-Dec 2023.
  5. 4-6 weeks average - Timing varies based on external factors.
  6. The Letter of Intent is to inform EasyKnock of the intent to proceed with the application and its terms and fees.
  7. Closing costs and fees are subject to change and are based in part on information provided in your application.
  8. 100% Total Commission Paid at Disposition if sold to a third party. No agent commission is paid for a repurchase.

    * Lender requirements vary.

    ** Tenants are responsible for regular maintenance, cosmetic repairs, and cleaning of the property and its common areas.

    EasyKnock program parameters and requirements are subject to change without notice based on market conditions. These materials are promotional in nature and are not offered as advice and should not be relied on as such. EasyKnock, Inc. as well as its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “EasyKnock”) are not lenders and do not provide loans. The transactions described in these promotional materials are sale-leasebacks and involve the sale of the property to EasyKnock and subsequent lease of the property from EasyKnock. Some transactions include an Option Agreement. The ability to repurchase a property via the Option Agreement depends on the specific product and product offerings vary by state. Terms and conditions apply. EasyKnock sale-leaseback products are not available in CA, DE, MA, MD, ND, NY, SD, VT, WA, and select markets.